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Our Weekly Rhythms

Much of our life together is unplanned and random.  We do everyday-life kind of things with our friends: we go shopping; we clean the bathroom; we help people move; we celebrate birthdays.  However, some of our life together happens in a more planned, rhythmic way.  Here are the weekly and yearly rhythms that provide structure to our community.

Games Night

Every Monday night, we gather to kick back and get our game hats on. You’ll find people playing cards on the table, chatting on the couch, hunched over a puzzle or drinking a cup of joe. Some of our friends bring their children and that always lightens the space and makes for a relaxed evening in.

Mondays 7-9pm


Worship Night

Once a week we gather together to worship God musically with our voices and our instruments. These times are integral to who we are as a community. We recognize that when we worship God together we experience His manifest presence. This brings healing and life to us and our neighbourhood. It is a time for intimate expression of our deep love for God.

Tuesdays 7-8pm


Community Kitchen

Once a week, many members of our community gather to plan, cook and clean up a meal together.  A few of us go shopping at our local market  to supplement what we receive from the food bank and then some of our friends from the neighbourhood come and help cook.   We always put the coffee on early so that people can come in, and in no time the front room is usually packed with familiar faces, games of cards, and lots of laughter. It is a hallowed moment as we pause the whole operation for a minute or so of silence before we say grace and eat.  About 40-60 neighbours and friends, unlikely companions, come together around tables to eat in one another’s company.  We eat family-style, and our meals certainly have both the deeply fulfilling and frustrating characteristics of family meals.  Plenty of people stick around to finish up the dishes.  We close the evening by praying for those we have talked with around the table.

Wednesdays 4-7pm


Bible Study

We gather on Thursday evenings to dive into Scripture.  We have meaningful (and lively!) discussions about faith, theology, life - anything and everything.  Though we don't always agree, we make space to listen to one another and to learn and grow.  

Thursdays 7-9pm


Coffee Time

On our weekday afternoon teams, we try to maintain a presence at the Jacob’s Well storefront so that we can show hospitality to friends who come to hang out, have coffee and chat.  But several years ago, we decided to intentionally make coffee and baked goods and invite our friends to come join us once a week.  We now have a faithful group of friends and neighbours who join us for Coffee Time, sharing snacks, playing cards, enjoying conversation, and playing music together.  

Fridays 1-3pm



Most of our team gatherings at Jacob’s Well either begin or end in a time of liturgy and prayer.  We often use liturgies from the Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals.  We write our own liturgies for special times of the church year, like Advent, or for significant times in our neighbourhood, like welfare day.  We also have a whole room in the back of our storefront space dedicated to prayer, and team members are invited to make use of it on a regular basis.

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